Sunday, November 24, 2013

Crossword puzzle maker

Friday, November 22, 2013

no follow links for seo when you have links that go elsewhere

Originally, the nofollow attribute appeared in the page-level meta tag, and instructed search engines not to follow (i.e., crawl) any outgoing links on the page. For example:
Before nofollow was used on individual links, preventing robots from following individual links on a page required a great deal of effort (for example, redirecting the link to a URL blocked in robots.txt). That's why the nofollow attribute value of the rel attribute was created. This gives webmasters more granular control: instead of telling search engines and bots not to follow any links on the page, it lets you easily instruct robots not to crawl a specific link. For example:
 sign in

How does Google handle nofollowed links?

In general, we don't follow them. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

cheap hipaa compliant hosting

Matthew G: Thank you for contacting Newtek, The Small Business Authority.
I’m reviewing your request.
I will be with you shortly. Thank you for your patience.
j: want to find out about the hipaa compliant hosting options

Matthew G: Thank you for your patience Jason, is what I am finding out is that we as a whole are HIPAA complaint, if there is something specific that you would need done, we would have to Create a ticket for you and get it to our Server Ops Division for them to assist you further.
j: basically any plan would be hippa compliant?
Matthew G: Correct.

Want to reach china with video? Youtube is blocked in china

Monday, November 11, 2013

Hipaa email option.. appliance