Wednesday, March 31, 2010

flash sites easy

some guy in a bar recommended this to me

Thursday, March 25, 2010

IT department and web sites

The IT department is usually the biggest roadblock to having a successful web site.

Since they are left brained, they have no sense of style or taste. They have no idea about marketing.

They limit your access, make things more difficult to do and usually because they are far from being experts at managing a web site.

It is about control, empire building, and security concerns with no expertise on how to deal with those concerns.

Anyway, the big fight is between marketing and IT for control of the web site. If you want to hire an outside company to do your web site, let them handle everything. IT will make you pay more, get less and in general be a monkey wrench in the works.

Google and centralized computing

Google is awesome. they understand the web, not sure I can say the same about microsoft and lots of other companies.

I have alot of blogs, emails etc on google. Just remember one thing about that though. It has happened to me a couple of times, that google decides there is something they don't like on one of the blogs and Poof, they shut it down. If you have not backed up the files, they are gone gone gone. You can't just pick up the phone and reason with them, ask them why the killed it and tell them if they might be wrong about what they anyway, the google stuff is on their servers and they can basically pull the plug anytime they want. Just keep that in mind.

Friday, March 5, 2010

find out info about a domain name*

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

staying logged in to multiple google accounts

It can be difficult to stay logged in multiple google accounts.

How to do it?

Spark up different browsers..

Login once in Internet Explorer and with another one on Firefox.

Monday, March 1, 2010

infranet shopping cart

Not recommended.

I used it several times. Once the client got frustrated with the service and once the shopping cart people went direct with the client and cut me out of the deal even though they were a "trusted" subcontractor.

It isn't widely used so you get stuck in a shopping cart that is very uncommon.

Google hosting your web site and email is possible

host your company domain email on google for $50/user per year
25 Gig per user